Monday, 23 November 2009

New Project

Well since handing in my last project, on that day we were given a new one. A Big One!

Basically we are to create a 30 second FMV sequence that will advertise a game of our own design. Usually this is limited to 10,000 polygons and a few other restrictions but because the industry is getting harder to get into we have no limit apart from the 30 seconds. This means that we can work on anything we desire with no technical limitations either. We can produce the best work we can...and my god me and my partner in this project are trying!

Since Tuesday we have come up with our game idea and pretty much written a whole concept document and lots of drawings to accompy this document. We are today going to convert this concept document into a smaller pitch document and present our idea.

We have pretty much between us worked 8-10hours a day on this so far. I didnt work Saturday due to visit from my parents but after a few texts and phone calls with my partner I knew that he was working all day. Actually feels so good to work so much like this though, feels, professional maybe...

Just waiting for my partner to come over today now and finalize some things for tomorrows lecture. Hopefully start on the storyboarding today too.

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